In the year 2013, the world was rocked by the death of supermodel Reeva Steenkamp. She was shot dead by her then boyfriend Oscar Pistorius.
Oscar was a white South African athlete with prosthetic legs. He was charged with murder. But was he really guilty? What really might have transpired?
Oscar told the court that around midnight, while sleeping with his wife in bed, he heard noises downstairs. He got out of bed, grabbed his gun and went downstairs to investigate the matter. And incidentally, he didn’t take a glance to see that his girlfriend was no longer in the bed next to him. (Raises eyebrows).
So he went downstairs and heard further noises in the bathroom. He shouted to the intruder to “get out of my house!” He then fired shots after not hearing a response. He was surprised to find that it was Reeva who had come down to use the washroom that he had fired at. Well Well. What a story! And to think that the jury actually bought that! At first, he was given a really light sentence, but the case was appealed and the sentence strengthened.
To put things into perspective, it is very unlikely that a man will get out of bed alarmed and not check to see if his girlfriend who was lying next to him is still there and is OK.
It is possible that Oscar and Reeva had some sort of argument that night. Scared for her life, she ran downstairs and locked herself in the bathroom. He followed, shouting in anger “get out of my house!” He then fired at her and killed her.
Perhaps she had indicated that she had intentions of ending their relationship? Or perhaps she made some hurtful confession to him? No one may ever know. However, it is obvious that he was deeply hurt and angry at the time of the murder.
Nevertheless, only God knows what happened that night. Humans can only speculate and try to fit pieces of the puzzle together.