I could have also titled this article, “A Divisiveness that Bitters,” because humans have a tendency to divide themselves against each other. The basis for this division is often race, but it is not only race. Humans also divide themselves through belief systems or simply a name. For example, in Brazil, there are gangs which fight against each other. These gangs comprise of people of the same race, but each gang has a different name.
A man told his story to me of the adversity he faced during his childhood from members of a different race. He expressed that only those who have the experience will understand the bitterness he holds for these people – and all people who look like them.
A young lady posted about her resentment for a certain political party in Guyana, South America. “It was during their time that crime rained over the land. It was during their time that I lost my husband who was killed in the line of duty. Never should we allow them to return to power.”
In the Middle East, two brothers are always fighting against each other. The Jews and the Palestinians are all sons of Abraham – just that they are offsprings of two different brothers – the Jews are descendants of Abraham’s son Isaac through Jacob with whom God made a covenant, while the Palestinians are descendants of Abraham’s son Ismael. These two people bear striking similarities – with minor differences in physical appearances. They also speak different languages. For ages, they have been at war with each other.
During the Revolutionary War between the British and Americans, there was fierce hate between Americans and Brits. Ironically, most Americans were really British who chose to assume a new identity. This was really a case of the British dividing themselves against each other.
Humans find amazing ways to form groups – groups based on the color of skin and hair, groups based on geography (it is sweet and proper to die for one’s country), groups based on beliefs (religious wars) and I could go on and on.
Forming groups is not a problem. The problem is that they gang up against each other through these groups. Consequently, many humans experience an “identity crisis.” They sometimes don’t know which group to drift towards. A mixed person with dark skin may identify with the white race while another with lighter skin may identify with the black race.
Using groups, humans launch attacks on each other which perpetuate the bitterness and divide among them. For example, a Palestine boy tells of the hatred he has for Jews since his dad was killed by Israeli fire, and a Russian Christian tells of the hatred he has for Russian Muslims since his dad was killed during the Muslim uprising war in Russia.
When will all of this end? When will humans end this senseless hatred, baseless divisions and war? When will humans learn to live with and love each other?
Will it last till the end of times when God creates a new earth? Or are we getting better slowly? Is the world better now than it was 1000 years ago? Tell us what you think in the comments section below.