Mainstream Media has a way of painting a dreary picture of the continent of Africa and African countries: a poverty-stricken, war-torn community filled with run down slums overrun by drugs, drug lords, thieves, kidnappers and savages who eat you alive. Most people have already seen the worst of what Africa has to offer, and unfortunately, most people have a preconceived idea about Africa that doesn’t necessarily bang up with reality. Consequently, when you’re browsing the map for your next vacation, you hardly ever point your finger on Africa.
While all the things described above may exist in Africa, there is a side to the African continent which you are hardly ever shown on TV or taught about in school. Further, criminals, rundown neighborhoods, and drugs exist in many other countries of the world. Even the great USA has its fair share of homeless people.
So let’s follow a real life person – Mr. Doug Spencer, as he takes us on a mini tour across the African continent. And that is – the real African continent – not the one you learned about on TV or were taught about in school.
American born Doug Spencer was serving a a volunteer pilot for Remote Area Medical in Tanzania, East Africa when he ran into his now wife and soulmate Hannah Masila. The two started a friendship which soon turned romantic. And it was not long after the two decided that they can’t live without each other. Doug and Hannah flew back to the United States and got married in Los Angeles.
Doug and Hannah share many common personality traits, dreams, and ambitions. While flying, Doug was a part time computer programmer, so the couple often work together on software and coding projects.
Here is what Doug has to say about Africa.
But no, Doug and Hannah won’t make Africa their home just yet. Sometime in the future, they will decide where to settle down. For now, they are making the world their home. Yes, Doug and Hannah, like Elon Musk, have “gotten rid” of all their houses and properties and are on a tour around the world – eating out at the best restaurants, enjoying the hospitality of the finest hotels and relaxing at the world’s most beautiful beaches.