Taking the stance of a proponent of the United States, I can present a clear argument that the United States of America has deviated from the values and drastically fallen from the standards set its founding fathers. On the other hand, taking the stance of an opponent of the United States, I can argue that they did not have any values or standards in the first place. And both arguments would be of equal merits because there is enough evidence to substantiate both.
The American dream is no longer a reality in the United States but a dream. Or perhaps a dream that only a selected handful can turn into reality. Rags to riches stories have continually dwindled in the wake of a growing number of riches to rags stories. In fact, we have heard stories of people who have come to American with big dreams only to wake up to a sad reality. We have heard stories of people who wished they had the opportunity to migrate back to their homeland from which they came, but can’t do so because they have sold or given up everything and have nothing to go back to. Further, they are now locked in a 40 year mortgage and car payment and a 9 to 5 grind. Aside from the glamorous illusions of Hollywood, there are fake stories people tell to drag others into the drudgery of the American dream.