Cubans Squeal Under the Weight of a Dictatorship Regime

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These Cuban Soldiers Drew Anger from the General Population for their Role in Aiding the Government in Crushing the Recent Protests

First Published on 16th of July, 2021 by Patrick Carpen.

Last updated: July 16, 2021 at 17:05 pm

The dictatorship government of Cuba has evolved into a monster: a Godzilla trampling on and oppressing the lives of the citizens of Cuba. With recent mass protests which resulted in the death and injury of several people, it is clear that the situation is at a boiling point, and an uprising or civil war may very well be brewing. In any case, the people of Cuba are crying out loud for help and freedom.

A photo from the nationwide July 11 protests in which Cubans took to the streets to shout “Down with the Dictatorship.”

Since 1959, communist dictator Fidel Castro and his successors have maintained a stranglehold on the system of government in Cuba and run the country like a family estate. As a result, the country faced international isolations and sanctions – the crippling effects of which are now become more pronounced. If it continues down this path, the patience of the people of Cuba is likely to be exhausted and a military revolution may very well erupt in the near future.

The Cuban government has been accused of severe human rights abuse, extra-judicial killings, and torture involving the state security apparatus.

A Cuban artist created this photo in an attempt to symbolize the present Cuban society. It shows the uncaring and animalistic government enjoying life on top and the people suffering at the bottom.

According to a Cuban Group dedicated to the overthrow of the Castro dictatorship, Cuban citizens are dying from lack of medicine, are being brutalized by the state security apparatus, and there is a severe shortage of food.

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