Twitter Closes Donald Trump’s Account

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8th of January, 2020

Last updated: January 8, 2021 at 21:34 pm

Twitter has announced today that it has permanently suspended the twitter account of President Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States who lost the November, 2020 elections to Democrat Joe Biden.

According to a statement released today by Twitter, the President’s tweet is capable of inciting violence and division across the United States and has violated Twitter’s User Policies.

Donald Trump Throws His Supporters Under the Bus

After inciting a crowd of republican hardliners to invade Capitol Hill last Wednesday, Donald Trump has once again proven exactly how treacherous he can be by throwing his supporters who risked their lives for him under the bus. At least one woman was shot and killed during the shocking move by Trump Supporters in invading the Capitol building.

Now Donald Trump seems to be backpedaling on his fight for power (more like a fight to derail democracy) and he’s saying that those who invaded the Capitol building must be charged. Jaw dropping!

These republican hardliners will admit that they jumped too readily onto a bandwagon that was going over the cliff. But some of them are still living in denial. They can’t come to grips with the reality that their great Donald Trump has betrayed them. Some of them have resorted to conspiracy theories, saying that someone fabricated the video and statements in which Donald Trump appeared to have condemned the attack on Capitol Hill. But for these people, the stark reality is going to hit real hard and straight home: they were fighting a losing battle for a lost cause.

After immense international pressure, Donald Trump has last Thursday conceded defeat and said that there will be a peaceful transition of power to Joe Biden. But some of his supporters find it hard to accept such a reality – spinning more conspiracy theories – even that Trump is talking in coded language and that he really means that he will return to power with a new vice-president. It’s not going to happen.

Believe it or not, some of the Trump’s supporters had been hoping that he would have implemented Marshall Law and retain power by use of the military. The whole scenario seems like a replay of what took place in Guyana, South America between March, 2 2020 and August 2, 2020 – when the APNU/AFC coalition government was refusing to give up power after having lost the elections. Ironically, the APNU/AFC politicians have said that they hope that the new US President, Joe Biden, will help them to remove the PPP/C from government in Guyana.

Many world leaders are calling for Trump’s removal from office and prosecution. Some are demanding that he be imprisoned right away. In the face of real and serious legal threats, Trump is now distancing himself from the supporters he once incited and rallied. He claims that it was him who called in the National Guard to quell the riots at Capitol Hill.

One thing is for sure, Trump’s image, post US Presidency, has gone to the gutters. He’s going to have a hard time rebuilding it – if that’s even possible.

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