The Power of Ignoring People

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Last updated: January 27, 2020 at 23:57 pm

Ignoring people can be a powerful strategy in helping you to live a better life. In fact, it can be one of the most powerful tools that increases your productivity and keeps you smiling rather than frowning.

Have you ever tried correcting someone and they spilled even more of their stupidity?

I explained in my article Focus Forward how what people say can have a profound effect on the mind. Sometimes, we feel a need to set the record straight. But is it even worth it?

A few weeks back, I posted the following status update to my Facebook Page:

One of the most powerful skills you will ever develop is ignoring stupid people.

One of my followers responded, “That’s very hard to do though, when they are near to you.”

I replied, “Yes but if you don’t, you’ll be wasting your life and mental energy behind stupid people. Learn to brush the thought off fast. Thoughts have energy. Use them wisely.”

And that’s an important point, “thoughts have energy.” We can use this energy productively by focusing on our work, studies, God and other things that benefit our life, or we can use it counter-productively on people who mean no good to us.

Some weeks back, someone said something really unfair and stupid to me. Well, what else is new? I felt a need to confront this person and tell them the facts of life. But I thought to myself that maybe the person wouldn’t understand a word I was saying to them, due to the level of their stupidity.

For weeks, I wrestled with mental tensions trying to decide whether to confront or ignore this idiot. I chose the latter. Gradually, thoughts of what they had said and the effects it had on my mind started to fade from my consciousness. They started to become replaced by better, more pleasant thoughts and memories.

I harnessed the powers of the affirmation “I won’t think about this anymore.”

Today, I smile at the vague memory of this idiot when I remember the words from the bible “do not speak into the ears of a fool….”

Update: Revising this article a few weeks later, I could no longer remember who this idiot was or what they said.

But there are times when confronting someone in a calm and peaceful way can lead to a productive outcome, and I have had this experience several times. But that doesn’t mean you’ll wake up in the middle of the night and go knock on the person’s door and say, “hey…you remember that statement you made 3 and a half weeks ago when…” You might come across as weird and awkward.

Besides, why lose sleep over someone who obviously doesn’t have their nuts and bolts in place? Instead, turn it over to your creative mind by saying, “when the right circumstance presents itself, my mind will find the perfect response for this person. In the meantime, I will not think about this anymore.” Remember, “you have better things to occupy your mind with.”

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