Sentences with Compound Predicates

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We know that a sentence is made up of two main parts: a subject and a predicate. The subject of a sentence is what we talk about and the predicate is what we say about the subject. For example: The fowl (subject) flew over the fence (predicate).

We know that the simple subject is the most important or key word in the subject part of the sentence and the simple predicate is the most important or key word in the predicate part of the sentence. In the example below, the subject is written in red letters and the predicate in green letters. The simple subject is written in red AND underlined. The simple predicate is written in green AND underlined.

The fowl flew over the fence.

What did the fowl do? Flew. How many simple predicates can you find in the complete predicate of the sentence above? One.

Let’s change the sentence a little bit: The fowl flew over the fence and caught a worm with its beak. Now let’s write the predicate in green letters: The fowl flew over the fence and caught a worm in its beak.

That’s a long predicate! Now let’s write the predicate in green again, but this time, underline the simple predicates: The fowl flew over the fence and caught a worm in its beak. 

In the sentence above, the subject, fowl, did two things. It flew and it caught (something). Now the predicate part of the sentence has two simple predicates. When a predicate contains two or more simple predicates, we call it a compound predicate. 

All the sentences below have compound predicates. The predicate parts of the sentences below are written in green and the simple predicates are underlined.

John jumped over the fence and picked the apple.
Jack and Jill went up the hill and filled a pail of water.
Robert painted the fence and watered the plants.
Jason opened his mouth and told a little white lie.

More on the sentence:


Article Location: >> English >> English Language >> Grammar >> The Parts of Speech

Keywords: subject and predicate, compound predicate, predicate of a sentence, the sentence, parts of a sentence

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