Should Christians Work For Non-Christians?

Last updated: July 26, 2017 at 11:48 am

work photoGod promises us that He will make us “the head and not the tale” if we obey Him, but often we find people of other faith in positions of authority over us.

Should this be?

Let’s examine the story of Joseph in exile in Egypt. He did work for heathen masters, but it was part of God’s plan to save Israel from the impending famine.

Later, God’s people were enslaved and oppressed for 400 years by Pharaoh, but it was part of God’s plan to show His might, power and wonders, and make Himself known to His chosen people.

In the book of Daniel, we are told that it was God Himself who gave the pagan King power to rule over His people. And God used these circumstances to demonstrate His power, might and presence.

While true Christians who walk in the light of God’s love will indeed be blessed, there may be times when they will go through tests and trials. And to answer the question posed in the title of this article “Yes, it is OK to work with non-Christians – provided that you do nothing ungodly in the process”.

Related: If a man thinks a thing is wrong: how your conscience and convict or release you.

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