I Want to See God’s Unnatural Favor

I came back “inspired” from church last evening. I got inspired to receive God’s goodness. In fact, I want to see God’s unnatural favor in my life again. I have seen it in the past, and I want to see it again. But this time, I want to see it like never before.

I want to see God turn my water into wine, my sorrow into celebration and my darkness into light.

I want to see the mountains tremble in the presence of the Lord.

I want God to bring prosperity out of nothingness, just as He spoke light into the darkness. I want to see God raining down manna from heaven, like He did in the wilderness. I want to see Him bring water out of a rock.

I want God to make a way where there is no way. I want to see God part the Red Sea.

I want God to send His angels to clear the path before me in times of danger, and I want Him to send his angels to fight for me.

I want God to do financial miracles in my life. I want Him to turn losses into profits. I want see Him feed 5000 people with just two loaves of bread. I want Him to lead me to where my nets will burst with fish.

I want God to fill up drums and drums of oil with just a small bottle. I want God to give me the cup that never runs dry…because God is a miracle–working God.

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