Last Sunday evening, I went to church, but there was no one there. I wondered what had happened: why there was no gathering.
I returned home, but later that night, I called the Pastor. “Brother Solomon,” I said, “I went to church this evening but the door was locked, and there was no one there.”
Brother Solomon explained that they didn’t have a service that night because some one lost the keys to the door, and they wanted to search a little more before breaking the lock. So there was no service that night.
About two thousand years ago, Jesus promised us that He would build His House, against which the gates of hell shall not prevail.
In the bible, we are told that the “name” of the Lord is a Strong Tower: the righteous run into it, and they are saved. And so is the House of God. The House of God is a strong fortress against which no weapon of the enemy can prevail. It is a shelter from the world of sin and distress.
In our daily lives, we often hear parents or elders telling children that “God will open doors for them.” That is, doors of opportunity.
We are often told to look for the door of opportunity that God is opening. Yes indeed. It is God who opens door and closes them. When you have faith in God, God will open doors for you that no man can close. Indeed, when God opens a door, no man can close it. And when God closes a door, no man can open, as was the case of Noah and the Ark.
What door do you dream of God opening for you? Do you dream of going to college or migrating to a foreign country? Do you dream of a high paying job? Do you dream of buying a new car? God can open all those doors if you trust and obey Him.
But there is one door which God opens right now that is greater than any door you can ever dream of. And that is the door of God’s Church. Indeed, it is the easiest door for anyone to enter. God has flung this door wide open for you.
Right here, right now, in God’s church, is the greatest privilege we can experience on earth. The bible tells us that where two or three are gathered in His name, there Jesus will be also. And what greater gift there is than to be in the direct presence of our Lord and Savior? It is concrete reassurance of God’s promise of paradise.
Related: Faith is the substance of the Heaven we hope for, the evidence of God’s promise not seen.