I Need Somebody To Tell Me About Jesus

When I first started observing the world around me as a child, I was a bit confused. And doubtless, the world confuses many people to the max.

There were vast differences between peoples and cultures, collosal gaps between rich and poor, educated and uneducated, nice and ugly.

Every day brought news of disasters, unfortunate accidents, rapes, murders, robberies, deceits, treacheries…the list goes on.

Is there a God? And if so, why isn’t He coming down to take care of His children?

I wondered, what the hell was going on?

And indeed, it was hell that was going on. When men sinned, they entered hell alive. For, as it says in the bible, the wages of sin are death.

My thirst for understanding of the world around me drove me to leave no stone, or page, unturned. At first, I was really confused about who God was, and what He wants from us; but now that I have found Jesus, all I need is for someone to tell me about Jesus. And that’s the thing: I need someone to tell me about Jesus, and what he did for me.

I need someone to tell me about how Jesus took off His royal robe and stepped down from His heavenly throne and incarnated Himself into human flesh to walk among us.

I need someone to tell me about how Jesus came down to teach us the truth.

I need someone to tell me about how Jesus paid the price to set me free from sins.

I need someone to tell me about how Jesus offers divine power to His children.

I need someone to tell me about how Jesus makes the poor rich, and how the rich without Him are poor.

I need someone to tell me about how Jesus speaks to the hearts of men and women, and changes them for the better.

I need someone to tell me about how Jesus wants to bless every one of us with the gift of the Holy Spirit.

I need someone to tell me about Jesus: the true Temple of God.

I need someone to tell me about how Jesus promises all His children exponentially more riches, honor and glory than the richest king in biblical history.

I need someone to tell me about how Jesus gives us the kind of peace, joy and happiness that all the money in the world can’t buy.

Related: The man who walks with them, looked like the Son of God.

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