The Lord Is Angry

storm photoWhat did I tell you to do? God is Angry at His Own People.

Many people underestimate the true value of being a christian – being a sheep of God’s pasture and a child of God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; they just don’t get it.

(Related: How Jesus changes the hearts of men.)

And that’s exactly what happened to the Jewish people before the advent of the Messiah. Speaking through the pen of the prophet Isaiah, God seems to be screaming at the top of His voice “what did I tell you to do?!”

(Related: If the mountains tremble before Him, how much more man?)

He says “I told you to defend the oppressed, take up the case of the fatherless and plead the case of the widow, and what are you doing? You do things contrary to my will!” -Isaiah Chapter 1 (Paraphrased by author.)

It is easy for Christians to go astray, even those upon whom God has endowed His mercies for the sake of doing good. Often, we use the same power and blessings that a loving and forgiving God has bestowed upon us for our own ungodly satisfactions.

(Related: As a father pities a son, so the Lord his children.)

Sometimes we believe that we are strong, powerful and have no need for God. Yet, if God were to remove His hand from our lives at any given time, we would be swept away in a whirlwind of destruction in a matter of seconds.

So why does God “stay still” while the “heathen rage”? Why does God still hold his peace in spite of all our obstinate ways? Because he is a loving Father, a Prince of Peace and a Mighty Counselor. He stands ready to forgive us and welcome us back into his heavenly kingdom before it’s too late.

(Related: There is sin not leading to death.)

Look at it this way: God gives us a long rope for us to come back to him, NOT for us to hang ourselves with.

(Related: The whole world is a trap.)

(Related: Even the lion has its enemy.)

(Related: In due time we shall reap; if we faint not.)

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