This page was first published on the 21st of November, 2016 and last updated on the 21st of November, 2016 by Patrick Carpen.
WPDiscuz is a WordPress plugin that enhances your WordPress website’s comment box. WPDiscuz is not just another comment plugin for WordPress, it is really good. In fact, it is awesome. And it is the only one I have been using for my WordPress websites since I first discovered it.
Before that, I use to use the Jetpack Comments plugin from Jetpack, but I discovered it was not working well. For example, people would post comment and they would never show up anywhere, neither at the back end to be moderated nor the front end. The comment seemed to just disappear into thin air. It was frustrating to say the least. And for that reason, I decided to disable the Jetpack comments plugin. And that’s when I started researching a better comment plugin for the WordPress comment box. Not too long after, someone told me about WPDiscuz. I tried it. I went to the WordPress plugins repository and searched for WPDiscuz. I found it and installed it. Since then, I have never looked back and I have never looked for a another WordPress comment plugin. I mean, the features are awesome. But that was until recently. I did have some second thoughts the other day about the WPDiscuz comments plugin after it started giving some trouble. Nevertheless, being the genius that I am, I managed to resolve the problems after deep meditation, and that is what led me to write this article about
WPDiscuz Troubleshooting
I found that when I had upgraded my WordPress Multisite website, or when I had upgraded the WPDiscuz plugin, a strange thing happened. On some of the WordPress Multisite sites, the WPDiscuz form no longer showed up at the bottom of the page. Instead, it had the traditional WordPress Comments form. Also, on two new websites I was building, I encountered the same problem. I discovered that in order to fix that, you need to go to the site, click on plugins, then click on settings, then click on “forms”, and configure a form the site.
Also I noticed that on one of my sites, there was no “phrases” options. However, I discovered that it was because I had checked a box to disable phrases in the WPDiscuz settings.