WPS Hide Login Plugin – Change the Login URL

Last updated: September 3, 2018 at 17:01 pm

style photoWPS Hide Login Plugin – Style, Professionalism and Added Security

The WPS Hide Login Plugin is a useful plugin which lets you change the login url of any WordPress website to anything you want.

By default, the login URL for a website built on WordPress is yourdomain.com/wp-admin.

With WPS Hide Login Plugin, you can change this URL to youdomain.com/login or anything else you would like.

Why would you want to make this change? A variety of reasons.

  1. Added security. We already have the Loginizer Plugin safeguarding us against brute force login attempts. But changing the login URL adds an added layer of security. This is because hackers often target the url: yourdomain.com/wp-admin. When you change this to something, login attempts to this default URL will all be futile. Try to change the login URL to something hard to guess. For example, I changed hotelamazonasgy.com/wp-admin to hotelamazonasgy.com/debbie.
  2. Style – Changing your URL from the standard /wp-admin to someone else can add style to your creation.
  3. Professionalism. If you’re building websites for clients. Most of them won’t know the first thing about WordPress or web development. By changing the URL from the standard WordPress login makes your creation look a bit more professional.

Next, you’re learn about adding an editor to your website, and cleaning up the WordPress Dashboard for that editor.

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