Tuxedo Big File Uploads WordPress Plugin

Last updated: August 16, 2018 at 20:12 pm


If you’re building a WordPress Website, then you’ll definitely need to upload files to your website. These may be images, videos, audio, etc. And these may be uploaded to static pages or blog posts.

Here’s where we run into some problems. By default, WordPress only allows you to upload files of 1 MB or less. And that’s a serious problem! Why? Because most files are over 1 MB! Very small photos may be under 1 MB, but the average high quality photo is around 3 MBs or more.

What about videos which can run into the hundreds of megabytes?

Of course, we can crack open our WordPress PHP files and do some editing – if we’re skilled enough! But at this stage, it’s something I won’t advise you to dabble in.

What’s the solution then? A WordPress plugin called Tuxedo Big File Uploads.

This plugin, once installed, removes the upload limit and allows you to set a maximum upload size. So you can then upload files as big as your server can hold!

So let’s go ahead and install this plugin.

By now, you should know the route. Here it is again. Log into Dashboard (if you’re already in) by typing yourdomain.com/wp-admin, input using and password and click “Log In.”

Next click on My Sites >> Network Admin >> Plugins.

This will load the plugins Dashboard, and you click the Add New button towards the top of the page.

Then, type in Tuxedo Big File Uploads into the search bar.

As you can see, this plugin has over 10,000 active installations. That means that over 10,000 WordPress websites are using it. It also has 20 ratings averaging 5 stars. And it was last updated 3 months ago.

So let’s click the “Install Now” button, and then click “Network Activate.”


Now, we head back over to our WordPress Website Dashboard by clicking My Sites >> The Amazonas Hotel in Lethem >> Dashboard.

And that’s it! We’re done! The next time we go to upload a file, it will no longer have a 1 MB limit. There will be virtually no limit!

Let’s try it.

Click on “Media >> Add New”

This will load the Media Uploader Page.

Wow! Do you see that upload limit? 64 GB? Do you think you’ll ever need to upload a file that big?

Well. I must say that this plugin did a great job because before we installed it, that limit was set to just 1 MB.

So see you in the next Lesson: Adding an Image Slider to our Website.

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