Adding an image slider is one of the sweetest things you can do for your website. Isn’t it? Imagine a nice image slider towards the top of your page, sliding images by with a little caption and even a link to another page.
That would be awesome, wouldn’t it? Absolutely. Imagine images showcasing the highlights of your website just sliding by beautifully in front of your visitiors’ eyes with magical fade in, fade out effects, etc!
Back in the old days, finding a good image slider and coding it to the top of the page was a bit of a challenge.
However, thanks to WordPress, its amazing themes and plugins, adding a slider has become a much more joyful process.
To add an image slider to the top of this website, I’ve first got to find the right plugin. There are many plugins which claim to insert sliders, carousels, etc, but they don’t all work the same way, and they don’t all have the same features.
It calls for a little digging, a little testing, a little trial and error to find the right plugin for this job.
Thankfully, I’ve done all the hard research, so let’s go ahead and install the “Slide Anything” WordPress Plugin.
First thing you do is log into your WordPress Dashboard. And I guess by now you know the way!
After logging in to your Dashboard, click on My Sites >> Network Admin >> Plugins.
This will open the Plugins Dashboard. Next, I’ll click the Add New Button.
Then I’ll type into the search bar, “Slide Anything.”
And there you can see the Slide Anything Plugin appearing to the top of the search results.
As you can see, over 50,000 websites are using this plugin. It has 64 ratings averaging 4.5, and it was last updated about 4 weeks ago.
So let’s go ahead and click the Install Now Button.
And then the Network Activate Button.
So we did it! We’ve installed the “Slide Anything” image slider plugin into our WordPress site, which is, by theĀ way, more specifically a “Carousel Slider,” but we’ll talk more about that later.
See you in the next lesson: Creating Our First Slider Using the Slide Anything Plugin