I asked the following question to four language experts in Brazil.
Geppetto was a carpenter, and he made incredible products with wood: toys, furniture and many other objects. Gepeto era marceneiro, fazia trabalhos incríveis com madeira, brinquedos, móveis e muitos outros objetos.
In the portuguese translation above, look at the comma after the word “brinquedos.” Is the comma correct there? Because in English, a comma would not be correct. In english the correct punctuation is a semicolon as you can see. This is because, in english, if we put a comma there, it means that Gepetto made incredible products with wood. He also made incredible products using toys. He also made incredible products out of many other objects–which is not the meaning. The meaning is: he made incredible products with wood, and these products are: toys, furniture and many other objects. So in english we use a semi colon and not a comma. So please tell me if the comma is correct in portuguese. Thanks.
Here are their responses:
Oh I see. To give this meaning that you said, the correct is with ” : ” (I saw another thing as well, I will put it in bold- the “e” – without the comma): “Gepeto era marceneiro e fazia trabalhos incríveis com madeira: brinquedos, móveis e muitos outros objetos.” – Francielle Zucolota – Sao Paulo.
Hi! “Gepeto era marceneiro e fazia trabalhos incríveis com madeira: brinquedos, móveis e muitos outros objetos.” But, in English, isn’t it ‘out of wood’ instead of ‘with wood?’Great day! – Jerry Mill – Rondonopolis.
Use the colon exactly as in English. Put colon after madeira, not comma. Emerson Pereira – Sao Paulo.
It’s correct. Use the comma, the rules are different in Portuguese. – Paulo da Mata – Rondonopolis.