First Published: 26th of March, 2021 by Patrick Carpen.
Last updated: March 26, 2021 at 21:29 pmIn the English language, we classify all the words and expressions into eight groupings based on they role they play in a sentence. For example, if a word names something, it is called a “noun,” if a word describes action, it is called a verb, and if a word modifies a noun, it is called an “adjective.”
In the English language, the groupings of words based on its function or role is called, “Parts of Speech.” In the English Language, words are grouped into eight Parts of Speech: noun, verb, pronoun, adverb, adjective, interjection, preposition, and conjunction. However, in the Portuguese language, there are ten “Parts of Speech.”
In the Portuguese Language, there are ten Parts of Speech. However, we do not call these Parts of Speech in Portuguese, we refer to them as “classes de palavras,” which, literally translated, means, “classes of words.”
The ten Classes de Palavras in the Portuguese language are:
Substantivo – Noun
Adjectivo – Adjective
Verbo – Verb
Pronome – Pronoun
Numeral – (no English Equivalent)
Artigo – (no English Equivalent)
Adverbio – Adverb
Preposicao – Preposition
Conjuncao – Conjunction
Interjeicao – Interjection
We will tell you more about the “classes de palavras” and their significance in another article.