Conjugation of Verbs

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Last updated: May 5, 2019 at 6:56 am

When learning a new language, it is important to get a “feel” of how the verbs in that language “conjugate.” And this comes by a lot of reading and writing and practice.

But what does it mean to “conjugate” a verb in the first place? When you conjugate a verb, you change it to suit tense, person, number, etc.

Sounds confusing? Not really. Let’s break it down a little bit.

Let’s take the verb “to go.” We say that “to go” is the infinitive or root form of the verb from which all other forms of the verb spring.

So let’s do this. Let’s conjugate the verb “to go.”

I can say: I go to work everyday. Or “I went to work yesterday.”

As you can see, the form of the verb “to go” changed from “go” to “went” to express present and past tense.

In the same way, a verb changes with number.

Example: One person goes. But: may person “go.”

That is, a verb changes the form for singular and plural subject.

There are many other parameters for conjugating a verb and we will examine these more closely in the future.

In our next lesson, we’ll conjugate the Portuguese verb “ir” which means in English “to go.”

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