I asked the following question to four Portuguese/English language experts in Brazil:
Na cultura e linguagem inglesas, a expressão “good evening” é usada para saudar alguém pela primeira vez durante a noite e a expressão “good night” é usada para dizer adeus a alguém durante a noite.
In the above sentence, is the use of the word “inglesas” correct? or is it supposed to be “inglesa”?
Here are their responses:
I think it is correct with “s” because it refers to two things. The adjective receives the plural too in Portuguese. – Emerson Pereira – Sao Paulo
Correct. Several kinds of Englishes: American/British/Caribbean/African to name but a few. – Paulo da Mata – Rondonopolis
It is weird. I’d use, “na cultura anglo-americana” and “na língua inglesa.” Only one of them at a time. Besides, we do not say “linguagem inglesa.” “Língua inglesa” is used in such case, instead. You can use either singular or plural forms in this case. We Brazilians often prefer the singular form, though – since the plural one sounds awkward. Jerry Mill – Rondonopolis
The correct is “inglesa.” The US, CA, UK, Australia and all countries that speak English use this expression good evening and good night? If yes, you can use the singular form (inglesa) to mean all the culture and language English as one. – Francielle Zucolota – Rio de Janeiro