Herbal Remedies for Covid-19

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First Published: 3rd of April, 2021 by Patrick Carpen.

Last updated: April 3, 2021 at 18:36 pm

We Must Counter Attack

The covid-19 virus has been wreaking havoc in our world today. Schools have been closed, businesses are facing bankruptcy, and people are finding it difficult to afford basis necessities because of lack of employment. But what’s worse is that we are losing our loved ones to the dreadful virus at an alarming an unbearable rate.

Covid-19 has launched a deadly attack on human life on earth. But we can fight back. We will fight back. And we are fighting back. If we join forces, we can defeat even the deadliest virus on earth such as Covid-19.

Does Wearing a Mask Prevent Covid-19

The World Health Organization has been telling us that we should wear a mask to protect ourselves from the covid-19 virus because the virus spreads through droplets of saliva emitted when a person talks or coughs. However, people who have been keen on wearing mask, staying indoors, and practicing social distance have contracted the virus. On the other hand, there are people who don’t ever wear a mask and haven’t contracted it. There were cases where one member of a family contracted the virus, but the others didn’t. Does the WHO really understand the spread of the covid-19 virus?

Little to No Medical Treatment

There is little to no conventional treatment for covid-19. And the ones that exist often come with damaging side effects. Doesn’t it make sense then to equip yourself with the knowledge of alternative medicines and herbal remedies? Yes, it does.

The Lapsided Vaccination Program

As of April, 3, 2021 (when this article was first published), vaccination programs around the world were in full swing. But vaccination has proven to be of little to no help in curbing the spread of the virus or deaths resulting from the virus. Here is an excerpt from another article published on the 27th of March, 2021 on Guyana, South America website.

In neighboring Brazil, Covid-19 infection and death rates have accelerated dramatically since the start of the vaccination program. One possible explanation is that vaccinated persons contract the virus but are unaware of it due to body resistance. They then infect a lot of people unknowingly. The average Covid 19 mortality rate before the vaccination program was about 500 per day. Yesterday, it hit 3,650 in one day. Over 84,000 new cases were recorded yesterday (26th of March). So far, 4 million people have been fully vaccinated in Brazil, and more than 13 million have received at least 1 dose of the vaccine.

guyana, south america. 27th of march, 2021

Remember, the COVID-19 vaccine does not prevent the virus from entering your body. That means that vaccinated persons can and will contract the virus. The only difference is that vaccinated persons will (supposedly) have a better immune response against the virus.

Furthermore, people in Brazil have observed that their loved ones stand a much greater chance of dying when they are admitted to the ICU than when they are treated with herbs at home. This builds an even greater case for the mastering of herbal remedies so that you can protect yourself and those around you.

Herbal Remedies for COVID-19

Here are some powerful herbal remedies that have been proven to prevent, treat, and even cure COVID-19. I personally have used oregano tea when I had symptoms of COVID-19, and the symptoms were gone about three days later. Please share this information to help others.

  1. Ginger tea with lime and honey
  2. Lemon grass tea.
  3. Oregano tea (made from chipped and dried oregano leaves)
  4. Garlic

Many persons have reported recovering from Covid-19 after using one, several, or all of the above named herbs.

So, what are your experiences with herbal remedies for COVID-19? Please tell us in the comments section.

Legal Statement: This article is for informational and discussion purposes only. It is not medical advice, and should not be taken as a substitute for professional medical attention. Neither the author not the publisher will be held responsible for any losses, damages, deaths, or injuries resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained in this article.

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