Algebraic Equations

Last updated: October 1, 2018 at 22:54 pm

equal photoAn algebraic equation is a mathematical statement in which both sides of the equal signs, when calculated, are supposed to result in the same figure.

For example:

4a + 2a = 6

In the above algebraic equation, the left and right of the equal sign are equal – thus, there is an equal sign between them.

The word “equation” comes from “equal.”

So therefore, an algebraic equation is a statement of equality.

Usually, in an equation such as the one above, the “a” represents an unknown number.

We call a the “variable.”

Can you determine what “a” is?

Let’s do this.

4a really means 4 * a

and 2a means 2 * a

So then 4 * a + 2 * a = 6

Common sense will tell you that 4 * 1 + 2 *1 = 6, therefore a = 6.

However, there are prescribed steps to take when solving an algebraic equation.

So let’s break this down.

4a + 2a = 6


6a = 6

= 6 * a = 6

6 * x a = 6 is the same thing as a * 6 = 6

So, let’s move the number six on the right of the equal sign to the left of the equal sign.

When we move a number from one side of an equation to another, its value become the opposite.

That is, a – 6 would become a + 6, and a * 6 would become a /6

So 6 * a = 6 is the same thing as a= 6/6


Therefore a = 1


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