The Area of a Circle

Last updated: October 11, 2017 at 17:26 pm

circle photoFinding the area of a square can be a simple task, but the area of a circle can be challenging to find. You can try measuring it with a ruler or other measuring instrument, but you’ll run into some serious difficulties because of the curved edges of the circle.

However, one smart guy devised a formula for finding the area of a circle quickly and accurately, and it works perfectly everything!

So what’s this magic formula? Here it is:

Area of a circle = Pi multiplied by the squared radius or the circle.

What is Pi? Pi is the sixteenth letter of the Greek Alphabet, but in this case, it is used to represent a special number: 22/7 or 3.14159. It was discovered that this number, when multiplied by the squared radius of a circle, always gives us the area of the circle.

So what is the radius of a circle? If you draw a line from one end of the circle to the other, and the line runs through the center of the circle, then the length of that line is called the diameter of the circle. The radius is half of the diameter. So then, if the diameter of a circle is 10 cm, then the radius of the circle is 5 cm.

So let’s put all this into practice. Let’s imagine that we have a circle with a diameter of 10 cm. We know that the radius will be 5 cm.

The area of the circle therefore will be Pi X 5cm squared.

In other words, that brings us to

22/7 x 5cm squared.

What is 5 cm squared? Any number squared is multiplied by itself. So 5 cm squared is 5 x 5 cm = 25cm

So the area of this circle = 22/7 x 25 cm, which is equally to: 78.57

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