The Passing of My Uncle – Leon Karpen

This article was last updated on the 14th February, 2015 by Patrick Carpen.

A Tribute to a Wonderful Soul by Patrick Carpen.

On the evening of the 12th of February, 2015, I received a dreadful message over the phone. It was my aunt from Port Mourant, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana on the other end of the line, and she tried her best to convey the news in the softest, most tactful manner possible. The stark reality of the situation was this: my Uncle in Canada had died earlier that day.

For a moment, my heart froze. This didn’t simply mean the end of the life of a great man. This for me meant the end of all hope of expressing to this man how much he touched my heart and life during his lifetime. He lifted anchors for me while he lived on earth, while I never so much as lifted a pin for him; and today, at the end of his life, my shell is spent: there will never again be an opportunity for me to tell him that I love him or show it in kind acts like I dreamed of doing.

Related: Do what you have to do before it’s too late.

As sadness enveloped my heart, I, almost by magic, heard the soft gentle voice of my uncle whispering into my consciousness: life must go on Patrick.

But why must life go on? Why can’t life and all suffering end right here? Why can’t this be the last of all sad news I’ll ever hear? Those were the sentiments that weighed upon my mind and heart, and then a vision entered my mind. It was that of my dear Uncle, smiling down from heaven and saying “I’m in a better place now Patrick. I’m happier than ever now, and I want you to be too.”

Related: The benovolent nature of men.

Rest in peace my dear Uncle Leon: may Jesus take you in His loving arms and keep you safely until we meet again in paradise.

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