Comparing the Romance Languages

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As I mentioned in my article “An Introduction to the Romance Languages,” the romance languages evolved from the Latin Language.

Romance means “roman based.” The romance languages: Spanish, French, Portuguese and Italian bear a striking similarity, yet they are essentially different.

Since they all have the same Latin root, they are similar in nature. On the other hand, they are completely different languages and therefore radically different.

How close is this similarity? Let’s compare these twenty common words from the Romance Languages:

English Spanish Portuguese French Italian

English Spanish Portuguese Italian French
baby bebé bebê bambino bébé
son hijo filho figlio fils
daughter hija filha figlia fille
girl niña menina ragazza fille
boy niño Garoto ragazzo garçon
father padre pai padre père
mother madre mãe madre mère
house casa casa Casa maison
cat gato gato gatto chat
year año ano anno année
work trabajo trabalhos lavoro travail
thank you gracias obrigado grazie Je vous
tomato tomate tomate pomodoro tomate
mango mango manga Mango mangue
teacher profesor professor insegnante prof
school colegio escola scuola école
boyfriend novio namorado fidanzato copain
girlfriend Novia amiga fidanzata petite amie
husband marido marido marito mari
wife esposa esposa moglie femme

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