Lesson 5 – Kentucky Fried Chicken

Esta página foi atualizada pela última vez em 4 de Maio de 2016 por Patrick Carpen.


  1. Leia a versão em inglês e português em voz alta três vezes.
  1. Ouça o MP3 em inglês duas vezes.
  1. Tente ler a versão em inglês em voz alta.

Repita essas etapas até que você  seja capaz de compreender e pronunciar cada palavra  em inglês na história.


  1. Read the English and Portuguese version aloud 3 Times.
  1. Listen to the English MP3 two times.
  1. Try to read the English version aloud.

Repeat these steps until you are able to fully understand and pronounce every English word in the story.

Lição 5 – Kentucky Fried Chicken

Lesson 5 – Kentucky Fried Chicken

O Kentucky Fried Chicken é um restaurante de fast food com filiais em diversos países.

Kentucky Fried Chicken is a fast food restaurant with branches in many different countries.

Seus produtos incluem frango frito, purê de batatas, tortas e nuggets de pipoca.

Its products include fried chicken, mashed potatoes, pies, and popcorn nuggets.

À noite, muitas famílias se reunem no Kentucky Fried Chicken para se divertir comendo e conversando.

In the evenings, many families would flock to the Kentucky Fried Chicken to have a good time eating and chatting.

Muitas pessoas também comprariam o alimento para viagem, que significa, eles o levariam para outro lugar para comer.

Many individuals would also purchase food take-away, meaning, they would take it away someplace else to eat it.

O  Kentucky Fried Chicken exibe um ambiente muito bonito e muitas pessoas gostam de ir lá.

Kentucky Fried Chicken sports a really beautiful environment and many people enjoy going there.

Lesson 5 – Kentucky Fried Chicken

Kentucky Fried Chicken is a fast food restaurant with branches in many different countries. Its products include fried chicken, mashed potatoes, pies and popcorn nuggets. In the evenings, many families would flock to Kentucky Fried Chicken to have a good time eating and chatting. Many individuals would also purchase food take-away, meaning, they would take it away someplace else to eat it. Kentucky Fried Chicken sports a really beautiful environment and many people enjoy going there.



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