On The Way To The Beach

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My friend Akbar and I were chatting on the way to the Rose Hall beach. We were talking about people, places and technology. The conversation veered itself around the debate as to which race was the most intelligent. In the midst of the conversation, Akbar decided to “crack a joke” in the form a riddle. He asked “which race do you think has the newest brain?” Answer: the black man, because it has never been used. “Which race has the most worn out brain?” The white man: because it has been overused.

This was the kind of racism, prejudice, and stereotypes which existed in among the East Indians in the county of Berbice from the time I was born in 1983 to practically most of my life.

The truth is, all races has their merits. All people are equal in the eyes of God. I have met members of the black race who possess more intellectual ability than some members of the white race.

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