Coconut Water To Cure Or Prevent Flu

The flu is an epidemic that almost no one can elude. It often comes along with runny nose, aches and pains about the body, a high fever and headache-among other symptoms. Flu happens when someone contracts the influenza virus. The influenza virus floats about randomly on the atmosphere of the earth. A person who contracts it may pass it onto people close to him or her by sneezing: large quantities of the virus are expelled and inhaled by the people close by.

People with a strong immune system tend the resist the influenza virus more than people with a weak immune system, needless to say. But even people with the strongest immune system are “knocked down” by this stubborn virus.

The stronger your immune system, the less effects the flu will have on you, and the faster it will go away. That’s because the body starts to fight the virus the moment it enters it. It may take days before the body is able to capture and kill all the foreign bodies it recognizes as dangerous. During this time, the person will experience high fever, general body weakness, and all other symptoms of the flu.

Pharmaceutical companies have rolled out several really good fever reducers and antibiotics to help fight the influenza virus, but there is also a very good natural remedy which tops it all.

Related: In brazil, flu is Gripe.

The antiviral power of coconut water.

Coconut oil has recently been rediscovered for its outstanding antiviral properties: its abilitiy to kill deadly viruses upon contact. But this potency is not limited to the coconut oil. The coconut tree has been dubbed “the tree of life” and not without good reason. The coconut water also demonstrates strong antiviral properties.

In fact, if you consume to or three green water coconuts the moment you feel the first symptoms of the flu, it is likely to go away by the next morning.

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