This page was first published on the 17th of April, 2017 and last updated on the 17th of April, 2017 by Patrick Carpen.

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What is a web hosting company? First of all, a web host is a company which keeps domains, like, running.
For you to be able to read this website, it needed to be connected to a web host. The company that keeps this site running is called a web host or a web hosting company.
Long ago, it was not easy to start your own web hosting company. You needed powerful computers that were on all the time, 24/7. On top of that, you needed backup computers in case those crash. And you needed the ability to save and restore data in the wink of an eye.
Web hosts charge a small fee, like 7.99, 8.99, 19.99 per month to host domain names and give those domain names the functionalities of a full fledged website.
Long ago, if you wanted to start your own web hosting company, you had to invest large sums of money in uninterrupted energy supply, and state of the art computer equipment. On top of that, you either needed to have a University Degree in Information Technology or study ten books from cover to cover.
But my, how things change! Today, you can have your own web hosting company with the click of a finger, and start advertising it to the world. You will have all the features needed for a top of the line web hosting company as well as state of the art equipment.
And the price is a ridiculous 49.99 per month. Host unlimited domains and sell as many plans as you like. Keep all the profits.
How? All you have to do is sign up for GVO’s reseller package. Learn more.