WordPress Plugins: A Beginner’s Guide

This page was first published on the 16th of August, 2016 and last updated on the 16th of August, 2016 by Patrick Carpen.

So you’ve heard the buzz that WordPress it the best web building platform out there, even for newbies and flat out amateurs. You’ve download a few ebooks on building websites with wordpress, you’ve bought a few courses, you’ve watched a few videos. And by the way, I recommend WordPress: The Missing Manual” for any beginner looking to build their site with the wordpress software.

So you managed to install WordPress on a self-hosted site. You are building very own wordpress site from scratch. You’ve registered your domain and installed the software. You now have a barebones wordpress website at your fingertip.

It looks something like this:

It’s now time to refine your newly born wordpress website. Put some frills on. Cut out some loose strings. Spice it up. Color it up. Outfit with the features and functionalities you so strongly desire.

How do you do that? What plugins to use? Which not to use. What plugins do the job best. How to install them? How to make them work? How would a particular plugin look when installed on your site? What will it do?

This book makes all of this clear and simple. Complete with over 200 illustrations, WordPress Plugins: A Beginner’s Guide” will show you exactly what your site will look like when the plugin has been installed on it, how it will work, and what it will do.

By browsing through the contents of this book, you will be able to build the wordpress site of your dreams in no time.

Get your copy today.

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