When hit by a sudden burst of emotions, the humans often react to emotions. I have observed humans of all different races, from all parts of the world, in varying circumstances react to various emotions. The reaction to a particular emotion are very similar across all humans.
If a human experiences the emotion of sadness, for example, he or she may droop the shoulder, the lips may take on a downward curve and the eyes may seem dull. In many cases, the human, during this experience, may be very unlikely to speak much.
The humans cry a lot. When this happens, the face of the human is often distorted badly, the body convulses violently and water rolls out of the eyes. When water runs from the eyes in this way, the humans call it “tears”. The emotions most likely to cause crying are: sadness, sorrow and anger, but the emotions of happiness and joys have also caused “tears of joy”.
The emotion of joy and happiness is often accompanied by excitement and this emotion causes a very vivid reaction sometimes. The human’s eyes may “light up”, appearing brighter and more lively than usual, the human’s lip may take on an upward curved, called smiling, and the human may often “jump for joy”.
If a human who is really important to other humans dies, the living humans will experience sorrow and sadness, and depending on the level of attachment, the reaction can be severe. For example I have noticed many times the humans crying and jumping at funerals, and seems to be very much “out of their normal senses”.
There were two separate cases that I witnessed that were particular intriguing to me. They were two cases that happened at different times with human mothers whose babies were burnt by hot water. To treat the child, the doctor had constrain the child and painfully remove the burnt flesh. The reaction between both mothers, although they were in no way related to or know each other, and they happened at different times, were strikingly similar. They would come to the scene of the clinical operations crying, cover their eyes and run away for a few seconds, then run back in. They couldn’t seem to be able to stay away from the child in pain, and at the same time, they couldn’t seem to stay and witness in the child in pain. This led me to believe that human emotions were genuine.