The humans drink. Of course they drink! Drinking means to take in fluid through the mouth to revive the body and gain nourishment. However, the verb “to drink” takes on a newer meaning in the vocabulary of the humans.
“To drink” by human understanding does not only mean to drink water, juices and other nutritional liquids for the human body. When the humans ask “do you drink?”, they mean something slightly different.
The humans have invented something called “alcohololic beverage”. Alcholic beverages are refreshing beverages consumed by the humans as past-times, at parties, picnics and leisure time activities. Alcoholic beverages contain alcohol, a substance which alters the mood and state of mind of the human.
In reality, if one human asks another human “do you drink?”, what they really mean is “do you use alcohololic beverages?”. The human to whom the question is asked may reply “yes, I love to drink”, or “sometimes” or “occassionally”, “not too much”, “a little”, “hardly” etc.
The alcoholic beverages which the humans drink come in a variety of different forms and are produced and bottled by hundreds of different rival companies. One of the most popular alcoholic beverages which the humans drink is called “beer”. Beer is one of dozens of alcoholic beverages produced, marketed and consumed by the humans. And even so, dozens of different companies compete to produce different types of beer. For example, there is Banks Beer, Carib Beer, Guinness Beer,,just to name a few.
There are also talks, discussions and forums among the humans about which beer tastes better than which.
When the humans drink alcoholic beverages, it seems to affect their mind, way of thinking, and behavioral tendencies. For example a human who consumes about five beers on average will experience a change in tone of voice. After the consumption of ten or more beers, I’ve noticed the humans start to stagger when walking, and lose orientation while standing.
Many humans who drink alcoholic beverages tend to go over the limit their bodies can handle. As the alcohol enters the bloodstream it affects the brain and nervous system. When the humans exceed a certain level of alcohol intake, they tend to hallucinate: the human may see things that are not there; see two objects where one is, see two, three or four roads or pathways in front of them, when there is really only one there. This way, many humans have fallen into trenches because they saw an illusional appearance of a bridge next to the real bridge.
When the human has consumed more alcohol than his or her body can handle, the human is said to be “drunk”. To be drunk in this case means “over-intoxicated” with alcohol. The human may be also said to be “under the influence of alcohol”, meaning that he or she is not in his or her proper senses.
Drunk humans often develop violent tendencies and are more prone to fighting. Many humans have suffered serious injuries and even death during arguments which sprung from frivolous matters–because they were acting “under the influence of alcohol”.
I’ve seen cases where the humans were unable to recall their words and actions which took place the previous day while they were drunk.
Drinking has been marked as the cause for a great deal of human problems and suffering. This is because humans who drink habitually become “addicted” to alcohol and find it hard to break free of the practice. The feeling of elation or “high” induced by alcohol on the humans makes them want to do it more and more. Consequently, many humans who start off in early life with the habit of taking just a few sips of alcohol, eventually become “drunkards” or “addicts”.
When a human becomes addicted to alcohol, it affects all areas of his life: his work, his social life, his finances and his family. Because of alcohol’s negative effects on the human body and brain, the human’s ability to work and study becomes compromised. The human may perform poorly in the work area or even cease to work altogether. Humans who are addicted to alcohol find it hard to think constructively. They develop less and less social manners and less value for families.
On top of that, the human who is addicted to alcohol may become abusive to his family, close friends and anyone around him. The craving for alcohol combined with his diminishing abilities to acquire money legally forces him to sell his belongings, harass families, friend, and even complete strangers for money to upkeep his lifestyle.
Many humans who become addicted to alcohol find themselves isolated from their families because of the shift of focus brought on by alcohol in their minds.
For this reason, many developed countries among the humans have created “rehab centers” for humans who have lost a normal life, family and finances because of their drinking habits. These rehab centers try their best to nurture, encourage and educate the addicted human back into a normal state of existence, and break them free from the bonds of addiction.