This page was first published on the 14th of September, 2016 and last updated on the 24th of November, 2016 by Patrick Carpen.
The humans are stupid. Why? Because of all the stupids things I see them doing. For example, they workout in the gym for hours to burn calories. Then they pay people to do hard labor of any real value.
After that they complain that they do not have money to pay other humans to do necessary jobs. Then they complain that there is too much work to be done and not enough people to do it. Or not enough money to pay the people.
The humans charge other humans for electricity. But if you put a generator on all the exercising bicycle in the gyms on earth, you would power the earth for the next ten years.
The humans fight wars, and this is a principal reason why I have concluded that the humans are stupids. In a war, one set of humans stand on one side, and another set on another side, and they fire at each other. The humans kill, maim, brutalize and do all sorts of horrible things to each other during a war. Up to now, I can’t figure what the humans really think they are accomplishing in a war; but they fight a lot of war.
The humans fight wars for all sorts of childish reasons. For example, one of the most deadly wars in human history started because one human refused to apologize for a statement made about another human. This was World War 1. And this made me conclude that the humans are stupid.
The humans divide themselves into about 200 countries around the earth. Instead of creating one unified country, they cause divisions among themselves based on “nationalities”. And this made me conclude that the humans are stupid.
The humans speak over 1000 different languages. Up to today, they cannot devise one universal language. Most humans cannot speak the languages of other humans. And this make me conclude that the humans are stupid.
I met a man in a human court of justice one day, and he told me that he is on trial. I asked him “for what”. He told me that he is on trial for killing his wife. So I asked him why he killed his wife. He told me that he killed his wife because she had sex with another man. So I asked him why he didn’t kill the millions of other women who have sex with other men every day. He says that it is because he “loves” his wife but he does not the other women. The humans kill people they “love” because they “love” them. And this made me conclude the humans are stupid.
The humans can’t find a cure for AIDS or cancer in hundreds of years. And this made me conclude that the humans are stupid.
The humans eat three meals a day, instead of one like us Silfians. And this made me conclude that the humans are stupid.
The humans crash an average of 20 planes every month. And this made me conclude that the humans are stupid.
The humans crash an average of 20 cars every day. And this made me conclude that the humans are stupid.
The humans have not yet created a proper electric car. And this made me conclude that the humans are stupid.
The average human dies at the age of 70 years because of bad diet and exercise habits. And this made me conclude that the humans are stupid.
The humans multiple faster than they can control or take care of themselves. And this made me conclude that the humans are stupid.
One of the most internationally recognized humans, Stephen Hawkings, declared that stupidity will destroy the humans. I rest my case.