Aprenda Inglês com Patrick Carpen

This page was last updated on the 15th of December, 2015 by Patrick Carpen.

Aprenda Ingles

“Aprenda Inglês com Patrick Carpen” is a publication by Patrick Carpen which aims to help Portuguese students of English to learn English in a fun, entertaining and remarkably natural manner.

“Aprenda Inglês com Patrick Carpen” utilizes the “Patrick Carpen Language Learning Method”. To learn more about the “Patrick Carpen Language Learning Method”, please purchase a copy of the book by clicking here, or see below for an example lesson.

This book is the First Edition and Volume 1 of an almost infinite number of volumes. The same method employed in this Portuguese Learners Volume, with a few modifications, may be used by natives of almost any other language to learn English.

1. Read the English and Portuguese version aloud 3 Times.

2. Listen to the English MP3 two times.

3. Try to read the English version aloud.
Repeat these steps until you are able to fully understand and pronounce every English word in the story.


1. Leia a versão em Inglês e Português em voz alta trez vezes.

2. Ouça o MP3 Inglês duas vezes.

3. Tente ler a versão em Inglês em voz alta.
Repita essas etapas até que você seja capaz de compreender e pronunciar cada palavra em Inglês na história.

Céus Turbulentos
Turbulent Skies

Em poucos segundos, o avião estava no ar em alta velocidade.
Within seconds, the speeding plane was airborne.

Meus olhos brilharam e meu coração cantou quando eu olhei através da pequena janela com as cenas pitorescas de vales, montes, casas, e o campo nitidamente definidos.
My eyes beamed and my heart sang as I looked through the small window at the picturesque scenes of valleys, hills, houses, and the neatly laid out countryside.

Mas logo nós estavamos acima das nuvens e eu fechei os olhos e relaxei minha cabeça para trás no assento.
But soon we were way above the clouds and I closed my eyes and relaxed my head backward on the seat.

O vôo durou cerca de uma hora e meia; mas não foi de todo bom velejar.
The flight lasted about one and a half hour; but it wasn’t all smooth sailing.

Em cerca de 45 minutos de vôo nós batemos céus turbulentos.
At around 45 minutes into flying we hit turbulent skies.

O avião começou a tremer violentamente e eu comecei a rezar ainda mais violentamente.
The plane started to shake violently and I started to pray even more violently.

A maioria das pessoas não sabia como reagir.
Most of the people didn’t know how to react.

Alguns se entreolharam e sorriram, alguns ficaram estupefactos, enquanto outros ficaram desconfortáveis.
Some looked at each other and smiled, some appeared dumbfounded, while others were uneasy.
Só então, meus olhos vislumbraram as instruções na minha frente “use o assento como um dispositivo de flutuação em caso de um acidente em um rio ou no mar”.
Just then, my eyes glanced the instructions in front of me to “use the seat as a flotation device in the event of a crash into a river or ocean”.

Embora eu adorasse voar tanto, durante esta experiência, eu me prometi ficar no chão por tanto quanto possível,
Even though I loved flying so much, during this experience, I promised myself to stay on the ground for as long as possible.

Mas depois do desembarque, eu não pensei muito nessa promessa:. minha mente recaiu em seu estado aventureiro original.
But after the landing, I didn’t think much of this promise: my mind relapsed into its old adventurous state.
Turbulent Skies
Within seconds, the speeding plane was airborne. My eyes beamed and my heart sang as I looked through the small window at the picturesque scenes of valleys, hills, houses, and the neatly laid out countryside. But soon we were way above the clouds and I closed my eyes and relaxed my head backward on the seat. The flight lasted about one and a half hour; but it wasn’t all smooth sailing. At around 45 minutes into flying we hit turbulent skies. The plane started to shake violently and I started to pray even more violently. Most of the people didn’t know how to react. Some looked at each other and smiled, some appeared dumbfounded, while others were uneasy. Just then, my eyes glanced the instructions in front of me to “use the seat as a flotation device in the event of a crash into a river or ocean”. Even though I loved flying so much, during this experience, I promised myself to stay on the ground for as long as possible. But after the landing, I didn’t think much of this promise: my mind relapsed into its old adventurous state.

The audio for this and all lessons can be downloaded from this page.

Notice that the bilingual version of the lesson presents a first line in the learner’s native language, and a second line in the learner’s target language. By reading the first line in his or her own language, the learner is able to “predict” what the second line is going to be in the target language. That way, the learner’s mind is able to quickly figure out what the words in the target language may mean. This way, the learner learns in a fun, fast, entertaining and “stress free” way.

Testimonials coming soon!

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