The Humans Group Themselves
First Published: 7th of February, 2022 by Patrick Carpen. In my book, “A Treatise on Racism,” I explained the human tendency to group themselves and to gang up against other Continue Reading →
By Patrick Carpen: The Greatest Writer On Earth
First Published: 7th of February, 2022 by Patrick Carpen. In my book, “A Treatise on Racism,” I explained the human tendency to group themselves and to gang up against other Continue Reading →
For some hilarious reason or the other, the humans believe that they are superior to all other humans on earth. I don’t why the humans believe this, but it is Continue Reading →
If it is one thing that I have learned from walking among the humans is that the humans like to share their religious beliefs. If you meet a religious human, Continue Reading →
The humans have divided themselves up into different religions and races, and it appears that they humans like to think of themselves as the “chosen ones” of the supreme creator Continue Reading →
Most humans have a belief system called “religion.” Learn More: The Humans Have Different Religions Most of these religions teach that there is a place called “heaven” where the souls Continue Reading →
Nine five percent of the humans are always in need of some help or the other at any given time. This is because the humans have designed their lives and Continue Reading →
The humans are divided into different races or ethnic groups and these different races usually cluster together into particular places of the earth. Although the humans are basically similar, in Continue Reading →