Teaching Strategies

Knowing a subject or a concept is one thing. Knowing how to teach it is another. The teacher must be able to deliver ideas in a manner which the student’s mind is receptive to, and to impart knowledge that stays a lifetime. To make learning a fun and memorable experience, I’d like to share with you the following highly effective teaching strategies.

  1. Assess the students’ level of intelligence. It is not uncommon for teachers to start talking “way above students’ head”, and to save embarrassment, the students smile as though they understand. It is important that the teacher ensures that the foundation to build on is already there, or the building will crumble.
  2. Ask questions to keep students engaged, excited and motivated. It is always a thrill when a student answers a question correctly in front of the entire class. It gives him or her a sense of accomplishment, while at the same time, keeps the class from falling asleep.
  3. There is no such thing as a stupid question. Let the student know that it is better to sound stupid for minute than to remain ignorant for a lifetime. For this reason, emphasize the “no such thing as a stupid question” rule in every classroom.
  4. It’s always a good try. Never let your students feel dumb, or they risk eventually becoming dumb. Students who are put down for answering a question incorrectly may become shy and not want to participate in the class in the future. Let your class understand that it is “better to try and fail than never to try at all”. Respond to failed answers with “that’s a good try but…” and if possible, let points be given for participation, even when the answer is wrong.
  5. Play games that teach from time to time. Games are a vital part of human life, and educational games are fun for learning and great for reinforcement of knowledge. Use them to your advantage in the classroom. Remember that “all work and no play” makes Jack a dull boy”.

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