The Roots of Racism

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What are the roots of racism?

Racism has its roots in Narcism. Narcisus was a young man in Greek Legend who so deeply admired himself that one day, as he stooped to drink some water from a pool, he caught sight of his own reflection and fell in love with it. Being so in love with his own handsome reflection, he knelt there for hours, until hours turned to days and days to weeks. Eventually, his hands and knees began to form roots into the ground and he died, leaving a plant in his place.

What accounts for the roots of racism?

Usually, when boys and girls are growing up, they often admire things about themselves: whether it is physical attributes such as facial attributes, body type, muscles, hair texture, eye color etc; or non-physical attributes, such as their abilities to learn fast, or talk well, or act, perform feats, sing or fix things.

Being so in love with our physical attributes, we tend to think that we are what the definition of beauty, strength and power is. Consequently, we can’t understand how people who look significantly different, that is, people of other races, can possess these qualities too.

The Roots of Racism Are Mostly Baseless.

However, the world is a diverse place and there are many many definitions of beauty and every person has his or her own unique idea of what is beautiful and what is not. We’ve all heard the old saying “one man’s meat is another man’s poison”.

When Jesus comes into our hearts, He teaches us how to see the beauty and power in people of all racial backgrounds. He teaches us how to turn our weaknesses into strength, and our problems into profitable solutions.

Related: How Jesus Turns Our Water Into Wine.

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Related: The Beauty of Being A Christian.

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