The Ugly Green Eyed Monster

Scene From “The Ugly Green Eyed Monster”

Cut to: They are both sitting in the dining room, staring at each other.

She gets up and goes to the drawer. She opens it and pulls out a book. She walks over to the table, sits down and opens the book.

She starts to read.

He gets up, seemingly confused and angry. “I swear to God. I saw this thing fall 5000 feet and burst to pieces…it happened…right in front of me…this can’t be happening! What is this thing? What does it want? How do I get rid of it?”

“That’s what I’m trying to find out,” she says, apparently immersed in the reading of the book.

He walks over to her. He holds her hand tightly. He squeezes it. He looks her in the eyes. “Please” he pleads. “Find out…find out how to get rid of this thing”.

She looks at his hand holding hers. She looks at him and says softly “Don’t worry, I will….I have to….”

Slowly he releases. He walks over to the sofa. He is dog tired.

He lowers himself down.

He gets up suddenly. He walks over to her.

“Wait a minute!” he says…his eyes bursting with excitement. “I know…this is just a bad dream…I just have to wake up…this monster…these wars…this book…everything…it’s just a dream, isn’t it?”

She’s silent. She looks at him. Both hands are on the open book on the table. She looks down at the book.

He holds her hands again. “Wake me up, Samara, please, wake me up! Wake me up from this nightmare…please!”

She just looks at him bluntly as though she doesn’t hear him.

“Can’t you hear me??? Wake me up!!!!”

She seems not to hear him. She looks down on the book as though she’s reading, silently.

He looks at her in disbelief. “This can’t be happening!”

He runs for the door. He runs over to Tony’s house. He pounds on the door. Tony comes out.

John’s eyes are wide with terror and amazement.

“Tony…” he says desperately. “You have to wake me up….now”.

Tony stares at him in amusement. He seems not to understand.

John looks desperate. He sees a bucket of water nearby.

I got it, he says, with the tone of Archimedes saying “I’ve found it”.

He runs over to the bucket of water and empties it on his head.

Drenched, he starts to shout “Wake me up please!” with all his might.

He startles up on his couch. He had fallen asleep and was dreaming.

His girlfriend gets up and runs over to hug him. He looks traumatized.

She tries to comfort him.

“Oh no,” he says. “It was not a dream.”

Related: Make love to me before you die.

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