Beliebers And Selenators

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This article was first created on the 22nd of October, 2014 and last updated on the 28th of April, 2016 by Patrick Carpen.

If you’re reading this article 200 years after the date above,  you may wonder what the title is all about. You may even wonder who’s Justin Beiber and Selena Gomez. Well, there’s a clue.

Justin Bieber is an award-winning Canadian born singer who strongly believes in his ability to sing. So much so that he often lashes out at critics. One time he dedicated a song to “all those who thought I would be a one-song wonder”.

Justin Beiber calls his fans “Beliebers”, stating that he believes in the saying “to believe is to receive”.

Selena Gomez on the other hand is a Mexican born singer who gained worldwide acclaim with her hit albums, making it to the top of the charts. She doesn’t call her fans any name like “Selenators”, but I’ve heard some of her fans refer to themselves that way.

Justin Beiber and Selena Gomez have been in a romantic relationship for years, but the relationship was not without its ups and downs. It would seem like Selena Gomez is constantly breaking up with Justin Beiber but never seems to move past that: the two of them ends up together again, time and time again. At the time of this writing, the two are presently together in an a relationship that has been “on and off” for about four years.

Fans of Justin Beiber are often fans of Selena Gomez, and they call themselves “Beliebers and Selenators”. Of course, “Beliebers and Selenators” are cheering for the success of the relationship between Justin Beiber and Selena Gomez.

Justin Beiber is a good example of someone who achieves his goals because he believes in his ability, and as he says “the Lord“.

It just goes to show that if you believe in yourself, you can do great things too.

Related: Go after your dreams boys and girls.

But the expression great things does not hold the same meaning for everyone. For some people, simply having a happy family is a great thing. For others, graduating from college, training their dog or passing a technical exam is a great thing. Yet for others, finding someone they truly love is a great thing. Then there are those who dream of owning their own private Island.

Whatever greatness may mean for you, most great people attest to the fact, that you can do it if you stay focused, work hard, and truly believe, and your dreams are in keeping with the will of God.

Update: As of 28t of April, 2016, Justin Bieber and Selena have ended their relationship again.

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